Kinsale Insurance Company

Entertainment – Equestrian

Kinsale’s Entertainment specialists offer Equestrian insurance solutions for an array of small-to-midsize businesses.

We particularly target risks that have been non-renewed, have a poor loss history, or are located in a difficult legal venue. Both Claims-Made and Occurrence forms are available. Kinsale can tailor coverage to meet a risk’s unique underwriting characteristics.

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Entertainment – Firearms

Kinsale’s Entertainment Division can offer General Liability or Professional Services Liability for many types of firearms risks. We particularly target small-to-midsize risks that have been non-renewed, have a poor loss history, or are located in a difficult legal venue.

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Entertainment – Equestrian Applications

Marketing Brochures

Entertainment - Equestrian
Entertainment - Firearms
Entertainment Infographic
Specialty Casualty Appetite Guide


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