Kinsale Insurance Company

Find solutions to fit all kinds of construction industry insurance needs in any specialty or trade.

Artisan and Small Contractors

Contractors with revenue under $2.5M, particularly specialties like carpentry, concrete, demolition, excavation, HVAC, metal erection, and roofing, need coverage for their artisan operations. Find coverage for smaller contractors from our Small Business and Excess Casualty Divisions.


Aviation-related construction projects, including new terminal construction, runway repaving, renovation, and more, will need coverage for the unique risks of the aerospace industry. Find coverage options from our Aviation team.

Building Owners

Newly constructed and renovated building owners often need specific insurance coverage during the construction period. Find Builders’ Risk coverage from our Inland Marine Division.

Residential and Commercial Contractors

Contractors with revenue over $2M, including new residential, renovation and remodeling, and commercial construction contractors in all trade specialties need coverage to operate. Contractors also often need coverage for pollution, onsite equipment, and for anything installed on behalf of the building’s owner. Find coverages from Construction, pollution options from Environmental, and equipment or installation coverage from Inland Marine. Our Excess Casualty team can also offer coverage for operations or pollution.

Transportation and Logistics

Building and repair contractors involved in supply chain work often need specific insurance to handle the unique risks they encounter. Find coverage for contractors from Ocean Marine or Railroad.